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The HAT Project 2006/07 is supporting 20 exchange fellowships between England, South Asia and Australia

Kamini Chauhan

Residency at Britto Arts Trust

Kamini Chauhan

HAT Residency, Bangladesh In association with Britto, 20 Dec 2006- 27 Jan 2007

As a glass designer, specializing in the material and process of hot glassmaking, taking up residency in Dhaka will be somewhat of a challenge. Firstly as I will be detached from glassmaking facilities, therefore the molten glass material, that has become inherent to me, and secondly as I physically I will be moving away from an environment that is my comfort zone.

I am at a point in my practice however, where I am becoming increasingly inquisitive about both colour, which is in abundance in daily life in Bangladesh and inquisitive also about other materials, particularly textiles. The residency therefore has come at just the right time forcing me to work with new materials, in new dimensions.

As a designer I am challenged by the constraints of a brief. Therefore I intend to write various projects, where I will have the opportunity to research local handicrafts and materials, with a view to combining techniques and materials with glass objects, at a later date.

Dhaka was once noted for its manufacture of Bangles. I wish to investigate the existence of glassmaking within factories in the area, perhaps leading to sourcing a manufacturer.

Where this journey will take me, who knows. Whether back to my 2D surface pattern design route or to my current 3D design and making of functional objects.


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Kamini Chauhan talks to conference during cHAT week at Sanskriti, Delhi, India. March 2007